Welcome abord the Lumerian! These are the space-faring, time traveling ships of the future. As you scroll you’ll travel through the solar system…enjoy!

We start at our home planet: Earth

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Our planet is unique planet with a combination of things that make life possible - water, our atmosphere, our magnetic field, and the distance from the sun, our climate (which is regulated by a unique carbon cycle), along with other factors, are critical in allowing life to not only survive but THRIVE on Earth.

It was this life that looked up to the sky and wondered

Wondered so far that they tied the stars to the gods

sand texture

The names we use for planets come from the Greco-Romans

Their names now live on through the sky.

Let’s start our trip.


- The Swift-

In Roman mythology, Mercury (or effectively equivalent Hermes in Greek), was the messenger god and known for his swiftness.

The planet Mercury, with its quick orbit of 88 days, is easily associated with this particular god.


- The Beautiful-

The goddess of beauty and love, Aphrodite!

Venus’ volcanos makes it the brightest object in our sky (excluding the Sun and Moon).


- The Red Wanderer-

Mars has a particularly red color, which historically has been used in reference to what Egyptians called ‘Her Desher,’ - ‘the red one.’

Mars (Ares in Greek) is the roman god of war! It is likely that Mars was named after this particular god due to the same reddish hue and its likeness to blood.

Clearly, Greco-roman culture was full of extraordinarily complex stories, ideas, values, and lifestyles. That being said, some things can simply be kept simple. What's the largest object in the sky, and thus the most powerful (excluding the sun and the moon)?


- The King -

Jupiter (or Zeus in Greek mythology) was the king of the gods. Zeus was known for his strength and his actions in taking down Saturn, the titan king and his father.

Just as he reigns on Olympus, he reigns in the sky

Jupiter’s red dot is a massive hurricane that’s raged for decades - certainly before Thomas Jefferson

It’ll rage for centuries more - as a gas giant there is very little friction to slow the storm


Not a lot going on here….

So dark and really…




Most of the solar system is pretty much just…


Really empty space,
but we’re traveling far above light speed

Even at light speed, the trip would take months. Years.


Let’s speed up again - I don’t want to bore you,
after all you’re our guest


- The Ringbearer -

Saturn was largely adopted from the Greek's naming of the planet “Kronus”. Its naming could be related to its slow moving orbit

It orbits every 29.5 years

Just as Jupiter ruled over the gods, Saturn ruled over the titans.

His sons and daughters eventually overthrew him



Saturn has many moons - several are named after other Titans including the above.

Most gas giants have several moons

Saturn has 146…that YOU know of…

And those were the wandering “stars” astronomers of the past looked up to

But beyond their line of sight, two more wandered


- The True Giant -


- The Sea in Heaven-

Identified by Willian Herschel and Johann Gottfried Galle respectively, these planets cannot be seen by the human eye

Uranus was a primordial being, ruler of the heavens, and father of Saturn.

Neptune, the god of the sea. It’s blue hue led to its name.

Both get their color from methane gas in their atmosphere

These may not have been seen by the ancients, but we’ve named them as gods anyways - in both tradition and admiration.

We hope you enjoyed your trip!